Section de designers, d'éclairage Mantra le meilleur de national et international à la disposition du Mantra entreprise de conception imluminacion panorama.
santolaria&llusca fr
santolaria&llusca fr


Manel Lluscà, Catalonian engineer and designer, with a long work career on the illumination field, starts producing his own designs in the 70’s. Afterwards, Alex Lluscà has coursed design studies at Elisava college (Barcelona), and right now they both are a great working pair at their design studio.

Carlos Santolaria is an industrial designer, and, after being designing in the most diverse sectors, he he focused on the illumination work, where he has spent a wide period of time related to large-scale international trade.

By the end of the year 2013, a collaboration stars between them, resulting in a layout that combines manufacturing, production and design experience, with solid technical and esthetic bases, and a wide knowledge of international markets.

This illumination knowledge from different perspectives, uplifts the final result which is innovating, daring, moderate and sober, all at the same time.


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